Branded Merchandising is not only a business strategy it's something we as human beings do to promote our merchandise to the people. It's like a commercial or an advertisement about a product that is done in the shop. Just like a television commercial, in-store branding is very important because of its function to grab the consumers' attention. And to keep this attention of the consumers, the in-store branding is made in such a way that it appears very enticing for the consumers. In short, in-store branding is a marketing strategy used in every type of retail store.
Branded Merchandising is just like having your own storefront with your own logo, name and symbols in the shop. But unlike your own store branding, in-store branding is not limited to just your storefront, it extends all over your premises, i.e. internet, roadside assistance, brochure holders, signage, trade shows, etc. in-store branding is also something each and every company is doing to get a higher share of the market and name of the product in the marketplace.
Like in-store branding, there is also something called In-Store Branding. This is what people are mostly interested in. In-store branding is the brand building or promotion that your company does in your place of business and in your neighbourhood. The concept of in-store branding is not new; in fact it is used by almost all types of companies that have their own premises.
When you are in the business of selling any product, whether it is a physical product or any digital information online, it is very essential that you put your company's name on the packaging, as this helps in the promotion of your business. But putting your logo on the pack also means a lot of other things, which we will discuss later. For example, in-shop branding can tell about your reputation in the marketplace, the way you treat your customers, the level of service you give and the satisfaction you get from them and many more. If your customers find it hard to contact you or if they don't feel comfortable in buying your product because of some reason, it tells something about your reputation in the marketplace and the quality of your products and service.
In fact in-store branding is even more significant in small businesses, as this helps them in getting leads and customers for their products and services in the future. They will feel secure in buying products and employing your services from your place of business. If a customer comes to your shop and gets confused on how to buy a particular product or service and gets impressed with your products and the way you have treated him and the overall atmosphere in your store then it can be considered a lead generating opportunity. It is also a very good way of building rapport between the customer and the business.
The way a product or service is sold in a store is very important in branding. If a customer wants a particular product and cannot find it in your shop then he is likely to go to some other place where it is available. And every time he comes back to your shop, he will remember you and will become a customer.
Another important thing about in shop branding is to have an attractive display. This not only catches the customer's attention, but will also help in recall. It is not a necessity to put all your products on display in front of the customer; one or two placed in a corner and closer to him will work well. This will help in increasing sales, as they will easily recognize the product they saw, which in turn helps in building a long term customer relationship.
There are many other aspects of in shop branding that should be considered before executing an in shop branding campaign. You should first consult with your designer who can help you in implementing the idea. The branding designer can explain in details about all the aspects that will help you in realizing this new concept. Moreover, they can give you advice on how you can maintain the new image in a cost effective manner over a period of time.
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