Recently, the branding of coca-cola in India took a new turn with the launch of the brand from Switzerland, named as "Coca Cola International". Its official launch on 6th May 2021 marked the launch of the brand in India. Prior to its launch, the marketing strategy of the company was discussed in detail in various media and coca-cola has been one of the main topics discussed.
The branding of coca cola in India follows a different marketing process altogether. Whereas, the branding of coca cola in America was carried out by brand extension from brand equity built up in America, the branding of coca cola in India is built on the basis of market entry. Thus, the companies in India have to compete with other brands in terms of market reach. This is a relatively new development. But it is catching up with the companies that are already involved in the marketing of coca cola in India.
The positioning of brands like Hero, Master Cola and Cappuccino is also changing. In India, apart from the big brands, the smaller companies are trying to carve their niche in the market. They are doing this by offering new flavored drinks, snacks and juices, as well as introducing new packaging with attractive display. A number of small companies are trying to cash in on this movement in the market.
Today, branding of coca cola in India follows two parallel trends. One is the brand positioning that is being done by big brand names like Hero, Master cola and Cappuccino. The other trend is related to the branding of coca cola in India in terms of packaging. Smaller firms adopt a simple approach and keep their brand identity simple and consistent. Both strategies are working in perfect tandem to promote the profile of the small enterprise in the Indian markets.
The branding of coca cola in India has reached its competitive threshold. The brand equity of these products is increasing day-by-day and they are becoming almost a necessity for every company that wants to be in the corporate world. Today, almost every product including beverages and food items are being trademarked. This ensures that only the authorized owner of the brand is allowed to use it.
Companies, like Pepsi Cola, are very famous for their consistent updates in terms of advertisement methodology and branding. The global branding agency CFCI is also famous for its consistent update in style and concept of advertisements. Today, if you want to be seen in the market, you just have to get in touch with a good advertising agency that would help you promote your brand effectively.
The branding of COCA in India has been a success story because of the consistent support and partnership extended by the authorities in the country. In fact, the government of India has also shown its commitment towards this venture.
The positive approach and attitude is shown by the authorities towards branding of COCA in India has been very encouraging for the domestic market. It means that the attitude and strategy adopted by them are geared towards promoting the image of the product and keeping it in the minds of customers. It is quite possible that the government may even push through policy changes and even legal restrictions that will favor this venture immensely. This is a positive sign as far as the branding of COCA in India is concerned.
When compared to other similar products available in the market today, branding of COCA in India has a very strong advantage. This is because the governments have taken a proactive approach and backed it with adequate financial resources. It is also a proven fact that companies who have the capacity to properly advertise and market their products are more likely to achieve greater success than those that don't have the required expertise.