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3 min read
Employer Branding In HR
What exactly is employer branding in HR? The vital importance of employer branding in HR can never be understated. The significance of...

3 min read
In Shop Branding - Key Points
Branded Merchandising is not only a business strategy it's something we as human beings do to promote our merchandise to the people. It's...

3 min read
Branding In Health Care
The world of healthcare is a tough one, branding is the key. The healthcare sector is a complex one and it is always good to...

3 min read
Branding Innovation
The most successful brands have realized the necessity to continually usher innovation into the overall brand strategy to stay afloat in...

5 min read
Logo Design Types in Branding
Before looking into the types of logos in branding, it is important to recognize what a logo actually is. It is nothing but a graphic...

3 min read
The Best Coloring Ideas For Branding
Many companies struggle with how to choose color schemes for their brand, but few have as much trouble choosing their logo and other...

3 min read
Benefits Of Using Red In Branding
Why red color in branding? Branding experts cite three main benefits of using red in branding. First, the color red is evocative of...

4 min read
Top Branding Company in India
The first and the foremost important thing to be considered before selecting a top branding company in India for promoting your product...

3 min read
Types of Archetypes in Brand Development
Do archetypes in branding have any relevance? It's hard to say. After all if you are selling a product it doesn't really matter because...

3 min read
What Is Branding In Marketing?
What is branding in marketing? It is the complete identity of an entity, product or even service. It is the total logo, symbol or picture...

4 min read
Blue Color In Branding - How To Choose The Right Color
The ability to effectively convey your message through colors in branding is a complex but crucial part of the overall strategy of...

3 min read
Branding For the Pharmaceutical Industry
What are the fundamentals of branding for the Pharmaceutical Industry? A brand, according to Wikipedia; "A distinctive selling...

3 min read
Branding For Manufacturing Industry
Branding is very much important for any business that depends on manufacturing. It helps to distinguish the producer from the products of...

4 min read
Branding Agency in Hyderabad - How to Effectively Brand Yourself
Branding is one of the most critical aspects of promotion. A good branding agency in Hyderabad can help you promote your business to your...

7 min read
The D2C Marketing Mantra: How "Woke" Strategies Are Driving Growth for Women-Focused D2C Brands
Ariel, a laundry detergent and fabric care brand from Procter & Gamble, released an ad in which a father visited his daughter and found...

3 min read
What's the deal with Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Brand Name?
The FDA approved Monday one of the most talked about drugs to stop the coronavirus. It's called Comirnaty. It is known as the Pfizer...
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